We had a fun Halloween this year. We started out trick-or-treating our neighborhood with the Wilson kids. Maya and her little friend Emily Jo are so cute, they held hands the whole time. Here are Mason and his friend Mel, we had no idea they were both going to be Hulk but it was pretty cute. Both of them refused to wear their masks, I guess they weren't very comfortable.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 8:20 PM 4 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
First "Loose Tooth"
Mason finally has his first "loose tooth." He's a little confused about what a loose tooth is. He thinks that a loose tooth is a "wiggely tooth," and after it falls out, then it is a "loose tooth."
He's been waiting for this day for a long time. The first thing he said to me on his birthday in July was, "now that I'm 6 I think I'll have a loose tooth today."He was also very excited about the silver dollar that the Tooth Fairy left under his pillow. I'm starting to wonder if there isn't a little truth to this Tooth Fairy myth, I still don't know where the silver dollar came from...
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 12:38 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Yes... I suck at blogging!
To all of you out there who are still faithfully checking my blog, I'm sorry. I just never got around to it during the summer and now that school has started I have NO time. On a typical day I have a list of 10 things that need to get done between work and home and I usually get about 3 of those things done. So blogging just isn't my priority right now =( We had some family pictures taken recently and when I get those pictures I'll put those on for you all to see. I'll try to get the big stuff like Maya's b-day (coming in November) and Christmas, etc. But that's about all I can promise right now. I keep thinking I'll get a handle on working full-time, but it's been 2 months since school started and still don't have it figured out. So I'm starting to realize that this is just how it's going to be until May, sucks!
See you later...
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 7:27 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Major Update!
I have been so lazy about blogging lately, but there are a lot of things that have been going on that I want to share, so here it is. Almost a months worth of blogging in one day. Have fun!
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 10:55 PM 3 comments
School's Out
Well, one more school year has come and gone. This year was my first year teaching at a high school, it was so much fun, I absolutely loved it. The kids were so much fun, and so much easier to deal with than Jr. High kids. Here are some pictures of my classes this year, I only teach part-time so I only have 3 classes, pretty easy huh?
This calss has by far been my favorite class of all-time. We had so much fun together, they were the funnest group of kids I have every worked with. They would sit so quietly and listen to the lesson and take notes. But when the lesson was over we would talk and tell stories and jokes. We would argue about American Idol and talk about other favoriet TV shows, they were so much fun, I'm really going to miss them.
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 10:37 PM 4 comments
Yeah! David Cook - American Idol 2008
Yeah!!!! David Cook won! I guess I'm one of the 10 people in Utah who is excited about David Cook winning. Along with my mom, and a couple of kids at school, and I'm sure there are a few more. I couldn't be happier. I liked Archuleta, but I loved Cook! And I was getting a little sick of Archuleta's perdictable performances and his suprised face every time the judges praised him. He was a nice enough kid, and he represented Utah well, but I was always a Cook fan =)
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 10:31 PM 1 comments
Bye Bye Apple Tree
Kevon cut down our apple tree, I'm ticked! He waited until I was out of the house, then he had a friend come over and the cut all the branches off (the first phase of getting rid of the entire thing). I was pretty upset at first but I'm getting used it now, at least I got this cute picture of my boys in what's left of the tree.
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Mom!!!
My Mom turned 60 on May 27th. She is such an amazing woman and mother, I couldn't ask for a better mom. Happy birthday Mom. I love you! Hope you had a fun birthday.
As soon as we got to the room we had a little party with yummy cake from Dippidee and presents. My dad gave Mom a ticket to Phantom of the Opera, she was so excited, we hadn't told her we were going because we wanted it to be a suprise when she opened Dad's gift. It was so fun to see her so excited.
We did so many fun things. Friday was spent shopping and then going to Phantom that night, after Phantom we ate at Wolfgang Puck's resteraunt, yummmm. Saturday was spent it Summerlin. We did a little shopping, saw the Ashton Kutcher movie "What Happens in Vegas" (we thought it was pretty fitting for the occasion), played Bingo, and ended the night with dinner at Cheesecake Factory. Sunday we just got up and headed home, but we did hit some outlets on the way out of town for lunch and a little shopping. Here a few more pics of the fun weekend...
Having a little too much fun playing Bingo
Marcee waiting at Cheesecake Factory after a long day in Summerlin.
Happy Birtday Mom! We love you...
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 9:36 PM 6 comments
Crazy Hair Day
Mason is finished with pre-school now but here are pictures from crazy hair day. Miss Ann had fun activities for every day of the last two weeks of school, this was Mason's favorite. He loved his hair-do because he thought he looked like his GI Joe Crazy Ninja, that's who is posing in the picture with him...
And of course Maya had to get in on the action with him.
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Birthday Boogie!
Saturday was Boogie's birthday so Audry invited us to go up the canyon for some gourmet tin foil dinners and s'mores. It was lots of fun, but pretty dang cold. Happy Birthday Boogie...
Sunny's baby is due in 1 week. Can you even believe how good she looks? Not fare...
Nate & Audrey and James & Jamie - Somehow I didn't get a picture of you guys, sorry! =(
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 4:03 PM 3 comments
The Ninjas
Mason had his last soccor game this past week. His team was called the Ninjas (Mason's idea I'm pretty sure).
Here is Mason with his best friend Connor, we were so excited they got to be on the same team. Mason kicking a goal. Well... actually this was in practice, he has yet to score a goal, he's not very aggressive out there which absolutely drives Kevon crazy.
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 3:52 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Potty Training ...? Easy as 1-2-3
That's right, it was as easy as 1-2-3 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) Maya was potty trained in 3 days! I can't even believe how smart she is. I have been putting this off for months because I havn't wanted to deal with the stress, the mess, the time, the inconvience, and everything else that comes with potty training. But Maya made it so easy. We put her in a Dora swimming diaper on Friday (she loves Dora and we didn't have any pull-ups on hand) it only took her peeing on Dora once to realize that she wasn't suppose to do that. She didn't have any accidents the rest of the day. She had once accident on Saturday and that was it. She went all day Sunday and today with no accidents, what a good girl. She is still wearing a diaper at night and it's a good thing, she hasn't woken up dry yet. And she is still a little nervous about going #2 on the toilet, but I figure those things will come with time. We are so proud of her...
Here she is on the toilet. She wipes all by herself
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 8:17 PM 7 comments
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Will the Cold Weather Ever Go Away?
We had a fun day at the park before the cold set in again. We're all getting really sick of the cold weather, it's now May and should be warming up but it's 40 degrees outside and suppose to snow tonight. YUCK!
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 12:22 PM 4 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
Kevon's Birthday and Easter
Mason and Maya were very excited to give Daddy 2 Spiderman shirts. Mommy gave him X-box live (which I'm starting to think was a mistake). Maya helping Daddy blow out his birthday candles.
The kids had tons of fun hunting for the Easter eggs that the Easter Bunny hid around the house.I think the Easter Bunny was way too nice this year. The kids got tons of candy and some toys.
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 7:42 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Maya's First Hair Cut
Maya had her first hair cut last week. Here are the before pictures...
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 9:15 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 6:27 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Battle of the Rock Bands
Me and Kevon ready to rock out.
The all-girl band: Natasha, Heather D, Sunny and Audry...
Heather N. on drums, Darin looking very sexy on vocals, and Garrett who was originally bearing his sexy chest under that jacket (he got a little shy when brought the cameras out).
Sunny looking very rock star with her cute little belly, Kevon looking HOT on vocals, and Casey rockin' it on the guitar.
Me and Kevon after a long night rockin' out. We had so much fun, we need to dress up like rock stars and rock on the weekends more often =)
Posted by Kevon and Megan at 10:32 PM 6 comments